Use our rate calculator to get an ESTIMATE of what you can expect to pay on your next shipment. Our rates are calculated in USD and are then converted based on the rate charged at Jamaica Customs when we process your shipment. By using our rate calculator, to get an ESTIMATE of what you can expect to pay on your next shipment, you agree to be guided by our website’s Terms & Conditions of Use
Use our rate calculator to get an ESTIMATE of what you can expect to pay on your next shipment. Our rates are calculated in USD and are then converted based on the rate charged at Jamaica Customs when we process your shipment. By using our rate calculator, to get an ESTIMATE of what you can expect to pay on your next shipment, you agree to be guided by our website’s Terms & Conditions of Use
Ready To Start Shipping?
Complete this form and we will create your account then send your US Mailing Address & Account Number via Email. A password reset is recommended upon first login.
Ready To Start Shipping?
Complete this form and we will create your account then send your US Mailing Address & Account Number via Email. A password reset is recommended upon first login.